October 26, 2012


Robert Pattinson talks with Cineplex Magazine about Edward & Bella as parents to Renesmee, and working with Mackenzie Foy:

In Part 2, Bella is now a vampire and the mother of a rapidly growing…well, it’s hard to say exactly what it is. But it’s female, and the proud, bewildered parents name it Renesmee. The girl’s existence leads the Volturi — the international vampire governing body, if you will — to engineer an all-out effort to take possession of the child. 
However, Pattinson says he found the parenting scenes, rather than the bloody confrontations between different factions of vampires and werewolves triggered by Renesmee’s existence, the toughest parts of the last Twilight movie to play. 
“Seeing Edward and Bella with a kid, it’s kind of crazy,” he says. “Seeing them raise a baby to past an 11-year-old girl in the scope of one movie is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen in my life. It was incredibly strange to play it as well. I don’t think there’s really any way you could relate to something like that; I think I’d just be terrified the entire time.
“Luckily Mackenzie Foy, who plays me and Kristen’s daughter, was just amazing. Again, I think it’s going to be like something you’ve never seen.”


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